(from the catalogue of the Border Disorder III event in 2005, Belgrade)
Border Disorder is a series of meetings initiated by a group of young artists from Nordic and Balkan countries to create living, functional network between artists in two regions. Two workshops and exhibitions were already held during last year: there was one in Helsinki, Finland in May 2004, and one in Aarhus, Denmark in October 2004. Organizing the third workshop in Belgrade, together with an exhibition and a catalogue would be an opportunity to revise the two years long cooperation.
Group of artists who gathered around Border Disorder was formed in Belgrade in October 2003, during a SPEAK UP workshop for students of Nordic and Balkan art academies, held by Mika Hanula, curator, teacher, art critic and chairman of KUNO, Nordic network of Art Academies and Branko Dimitrijević, art historian, associate curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, where the workshop took place.
Main goal of this workshop was to broaden the discursive field of students’ artistic practices and to use it for confronting different positions and opinions. Presentations of individual artworks were used as a starting point, leading to discussions on wider themes, and recognizing similarities and differences in approaches to art and artistic practice.
Group formed in this way continued discussing on common issues independently from initiating workshop, and started to organize exhibiting projects together. Idea was to maintain this communication in the future independently, outside of an institutional frame, and to further develop in creating art and exhibitions together. Project was named Border Disorder to mark a living, changing and developing network between artists from Nordic and Balkan regions.
Participants of Border Disorder III: Jan Falk Borup (Denmark), Kukka Paavilainen (Finland), Andreas Hagström (Sweden), Luka Barbić (Croatia), Goran Čače (Croatia) and from Serbia&Montenegro - Maja Rakočević, Maja Radanović, Milica Ružičić, Boris Šribar, Milena Putnik, Isidora Fioćvić, Darinka Pop-Mitić, Jamesdin i Johnny Rackowitch.
Beside main exhibition the supporting program consists of presentation of artists, projections of video works, friendships and conversations between artists, as the public tribunes (2nd and 3rd December). On the 2nd December invited are: Tomas Ivan Traskman(working as a senior lecturer in Arts Managment at Sydväst Polytechnic/University of Applied Science and Arts), Branko Dimitrijević(historian, art theoretic and lecturer at the Art school Belgrade), Dejan Grba and Zoran Todorović( assistants at The Faculty of fine arts, one of organizers of series of students exhibitions FLU-ID in Dom omladine Gallery, Belgrade), Jovan Čekić and Maja Stanković (BELEF ’03, BELEF ’04), Darka Radosavljević and Miroslav Karić (Remont Gallery, Belgrade), Katarina Živanović (Cultural centre Rex, Belgrade), Darijan Mihajlović(Department of Culture of the Belgrade City Council), Dragoslav Krnajski and participants of Border Disorder. The moderators are: Stevan Vuković (crtitic and curator of The SKC Gallery) and Svebor Midžić (The Center of contemporary art, Belgrade).
With this appearance in public we want to start the communication within the cultural scene as well as with wide audience so as to show that through our collaboration the dialogue between different methods and artistic strategies is needed and that it usually brings results. We find our cultural and public scene to be more open for exchanging opinions and ideas and it is stimulated by the circulation of people from different countries and organized meetings, debates and artistic presentations.
We would also like that this model of lasting several year cooperation with the model of self-organization to be the model for other people to start doing the similar projects in futurity.
On the platform which is held on 3rd December except from the participants of Border Disorder III all interested are invited in order to summarize the debate from the previous tribune aiming to create a platform for further cooperation within these two regions as well as the institutions and the young artists from our local scene.
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