Happiness is in a connection and compassion with others, as a source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. The real purpose of art is to communicate a feeling. The global experience of the covid 19 pandemic has caused changes in the way society function: working from home, online teaching, meetings on various internet platforms, so establishing interpersonal relationships as "another way(s) of communication" is a challenge.
The project includes artists from Belgrade and
Berlin, who will discuss human relationship to the body, as its most immediate
nature, through their artworks and dialogue, and that relationship speaks of
human relationship to nature. The development of the senses and ecological
awareness improves the environment, but also aims to establish empathic
interpersonal relationships, sociability and culture. The language of
contemporary art is a field of re-examining "another way(s) of
communication" with the use of different human senses, tactility, manual work,
bodily gestural free movement in space, overcoming the limited gesture of
typing on a mobile phone screen or computer keyboard, where conversation with
others is limited to the sense of sight and hearing.
Artists: Snežana Arnautović Stjepanović, Marijana Oro, Marco Nektan, Ana Cvejić, Magda Radojlović, Merey Şenocak, Melih Sarigöl, Funke Collective Berlin, Emre Birişmen.
Author of the project: Isidora Fićović
Partner on the project: Selda Asal, Apartment Project Berlin
Exhibition in Ostavinska Gallery in Belgrade, Kraljevića Marka 8 MKM 8 - The Magacin Cultural Centar, from 19th until 25th of November 2021. The program includes two performanses: Gnostification of Marko Nektan on 19th of November '21 and Hafetopia of Snežana Arnautović on 20th of November '21, at 7pm. The communication program and public leading through works with the interview of the artists will take place in the Gallery between 23th until 25th of November 2021.Exhibition in Apartment Project Berlin, Opening on Friday, 4th of February 2022, Apartment Project Kulturverein e.V. Hertzbergstr. 13, 12055 Neukölln, Berlin Apartment Project.
Logos in this project are: the Ministry of Culture and information of Republic of Serbia for international cooperation, ULUS and Belgrade Art Show, MKM Ostavinska Gallery Belgrade,, Apartment Project Berlin, Bioskop Balkan Foundation Sasa Marčeta.
If you noticed the title of the project "Another ways of communication" is written with an error. Grammatically correct sentence would be 'Other ways of communication', or 'Another way of communication', but the title is written intentionally in English as "Another ways of communication", since it highlighting the notion of an error. If we think about the meaning and purpose of an error, concerning the language of the machine or the language of human, what makes a difference in between these languages, if there is an error:
Example if human language and code used for computational algorithmic language are observed analytically, it is noticeable that "human languages are ambiguous and contain large vocabularies", while "code is a strict syntactical rule of small vocabulary." The other thing is that "computers are not able to interact a meaning if it is not stated exactly. In every language there are rules of grammar, but if word or two are misspelled, still human is possible to understand and computer doesn't have this potential." (FORM+CODE In Design, Art, and Architecture by Case Reas, Chandler McWilliams, and LUST, 15). Error can be a trigger in learning process, going beyond, exploring unfamiliar, expending the horizon, error as an exception and originality in the process of creation, how error makes us learn.
of the notion of an error as part of a learning process, maybe it could be
applied to how, why, what, in which way, the manual art work you are
producing, bodily sensing, makes a difference to the technological developments
of new media tools, devices and gadgets, use of new technological
devices on a daily basis, what makes a difference if we turn to our bodies and
its potentials, variety of senses. What means to be human in current
technologically oriented society, online learning, what makes a difference,
what could be "Another way(s) of communication" maybe the notion of
an error could be a leading path, to see it brighter or clearer how
digitalization can be humanized, keeping it in mind the physicality, body
movement, free style gestures, manual, tactile shaping of creative artistic processes,
real time and space etc.
Recordings and edit by Nina Ristić
Recordings and edit by Nina Ristić
1. How are you perceiving Another way(s) of communication, how do you describe your experience participating in this project?
2. What did Another way(s) of communication bring to your individual art practice?
3. How do you see or what do you think of new models of socializing, or shaping the society as balancing relation between online digital function of society, as we have today, and real time and space that activates human body and its potentials, other human senses?
4. How do you question relation between digital and analog, or virtual and actual world, what could be a new model of communication, humanizing digital, concerning online/real time and space or physicality, what do you think about it?
5. Why did you apply to this project?
INTERVIEW click here
Recordings and edit by Nina Ristić
Another way(s) of communication ///Exhibition in Aparment Project from 4th until19th of February 2022 will be opened 7/24 Window installation. Apartment project Hertzbergstrasse 13 12055 Berlin
Apartment Project Kulturverein e.V.
Hertzbergstr. 13, 12055 Neukölln, Berlin
for the video click here
for the video click here
for the video click here
for the video click here
Hafetopija, performance, Snežana Arnautović Stjepanović, 2021
Crystal Rose, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 40x40 cm, Marijana Oro, 2021
Seven, photography, A4, Emre Birişmen, 2021
Watercolor, 50 x 50 cm, Melih Sarigöl, 2019
"0"-grad, Watercolor, 50X50 cm
(The work is accompanied by an album called "A walk in
the "0"-grad". The album suggests an imaginary soundscape
designed for the impossible city “0-grad” using location
recordings and modular synthesisers), Melih Sarigöl, 2019
MS Industrial PLUSH 2500, soft sculptures, Magda Radojlović, 2021
Gnostification, performance, Marco Nektan, 2021
Fear, drawing, 156 x 86 cm, Ana Cvejić, 2021
PR, promotion of the project in media - links:
PR: Isidora Fićović, Pavle Knežević, Snežana Arnautović Stjepanović
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